Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 2- TCEA Convention

Session 1: What's New in Web 2.0?

There were two presenters here. One spoke on Web 2.o in general and the other talked about Google docs. They literally went from one tool to another, giving you just a taste of each. You can go to their blog for a list of all these tools.
Web 2.0 Tools are listed under the following categories:
-Student/Organization Tools, Filesharing/Collaboration , Mind-mapping , Bookmarks, Videoconferencing , Video , Images , Office Apps , Website Creation/Wikis , RSS , Blogs & Website Tools

-Dwight’s Google Apps Link- Free Google Resource formatted in a table.

You can also access this by going to At the top click on the More button and scroll down and select Even More...

My favorite one here is the Google Reader. You can subscribe to RSS feeds and see their updates right from your webpage. I searched for Google earth and found a lot of good blogs that I now subscribe to that have all the latest news on Google Earth. My next mission is creating time to read all the updates posted to these sites I have subscribed to.
Note: Make sure not to load too many gadgets on your igoogle page or it boots up really slow... I had this set as my home page and had to change it because it loaded so slow until I removed some of the neat gadgets I put on there when I setting up my page. More is not better!

Here is another link to a presentation with information about Free Stuff on the web.

Watch the video "Why Google Apps for Education?"

Session 2: Teaming up on TEKS- Library & Technoloy together
Pamela Crofoot- Irving ISD
In this session, both the librarian and the technolgy facilitator of John R. Good Elementary explained how they collaborate to create research assignments for students. Note- the facilitator is on the campus full time.
The librarian gathers research materials for the students to use in the library. Then works with the facilitator to find appropriate web resources.
They set this up as 3 workstations:

  1. Online Computer research
  2. Book research with librarian
  3. Reading with the teacher.
After finishing their research, the facilitator guides the students through a culminating project such as a publisher brochure or power point where the kids enter their research.
Note: They said the teacher helps with this process, but is not a major planner with them.

Some of the units they showed us were a unit on the Earth and Moon, Famous Texans, The Water Cycle and Animal Research.

  • The main interest here is that the librarian and the facilitator are working together to come up with project resources. They admitted that they do have to "work" to work together with such different perspectives. You can visit this presentation online as soon as TCEA has them posted. I will post in the shared folder as well.

Session 3: Developing Teacher Cadres

Technology Leadership Cadre (TLC)Instructor runs the Parkland Learning Community:
Training url
Technology Leadership Cadre Home Page for instructor
-Lists Mission Statement and Expectations
Pupose: Build the capacity and support technology integration at the campus level.
1 teacher leader per grade level, principal, Instructional Technologist, librarian & adminstratorAdminstrator is the most important factor- buy in and support.
Better to have the teachers from each grade level have different strengths (one is really good in math, science...) Also Have a few who are good at technology applications or tools.
Membership term 1-2 years:
Train the trainer module. The cadre member would do the training and the facilitator is just there for support. Connection to all the other teachers (they are the bridge) they know subject content.
Cadre also tries out new software or ideas and gives feedback to the facilitator. Facilitator doesn't train on new software or introduce anything before presenting to the cadre.
They created a Long Term Technology Plan- working- living document. Their Example:
They started by brainstorm all the things they were ALREADY doing.
Teacher Toolkit url
Technology Resources

Session 4: Distance Learning Using Small Group Field Trips

Students visited a local college and took pictures and video clips and created their own movie of their learning experience.
Students could create a video from a field trip, or create their own movie over classroom content without ever leaving the school.

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