Session 1: Wiki Wisdom: Advanced Wiki Workshop:
This session was presented by David Byrum, a professor at Texas State University.
They set up this entire session on a pbwiki to demonstrate how to create and use one. It is a great training site for anyone to use that I would recommend. It has links for instructions on how to set up your wiki and embed almost any type of object you want. The instructor says he prefers pb wikis over others because it has a 2.0 gig memory storage.
He uses this wiki to teach his Educational Technology coarses. He told me he created this under the Creative Commons license and anyone can go in and complete the assignments to learn how to use the applications listed at no cost.
Introduction to Educational Technology: The New Tools of Digital Learning- Instruction Modules
-Project Based Learning
-Introduction to Web 2.0
-Social Bookmarking, Blogs and Wikis
-Copyright and Creative Commons
-Podcasting and RSS
-Photo Sharing and Digital Storytelling
A class that uses the modules and you can see the student pages
To see examples of Educational Wikis
Good examples of classroom wikis
- I sat next to a 9th grade English teacher who came to the conference from her small school district to go back and present information to her superintendent. Here is her class wiki that she said she only started using 3 weeks ago. She said that it's so easy for her and her students to use. She posts assignments here and the students can discuss and post their assignments as well.
They introduced Sail on- Acryonmn stand for: Subject Area Interactive Lessons Online.
It lists all the TEKS- with interactive online activities that match each TEK. You can send in suggestions for websites to add or join this project.
Technology Set up:
1 Campus Technology Integration Specialist per campus (Masters Degree Required in IT)Classrooms have 1 teacher and 5 student computers
Use NComputing system to run the 5 student computers per classrooms and labs
History of Staff DevelopmentBaby steps - how does this work?
Intel - carrot dangling (look into Intel); 40 hour class; now 32 hours
Integration - its not AR and PPT
Web 2.0 - wiki what?
21st Century Skills
2 Full Staff Development Days - 1 elementary and 1 high school
Mini TCEA Conference trainings and vendors
Delivery RoutesAfter School
Conference Period
Campus Training
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