Here is the website to find a list of all the presenter's handouts from the TCEA 2012 Convention
Note: If you went to the convention and are looking for a session handout that is not here, they said to keep checking. They were adding these as they received them from the presenters.
Tikatok™ is where kids transform their imaginations into stories – and publish those stories into books.
The books actually "flip" or turn pages- really cool. Project saved online. Then students, teachers or parents can purchase a hard bound copy if they choose.
Students can view their books online. I am going to research to see if it can be downloaded or converted to a wmv file or Flash.
Smile Box
Smilebox is a neat site worth checking out.
With Smilebox, you can create animated scrapbooks, photobooks, slideshows, postcards, and ecards for any occasion, and email them to anyone.
Go on a tour at:
Note: a 4th grade teacher used this to make a slideshow of her classroom and then posted it on her blog~ really neat!
Pitsco- ask an Expert connects you with hundreds of real world experts, ranging from astronauts to zookeepers. These experts have volunteered to answer your questions for free!Here’s how to make it work for you:
Step 1: Think of a question. Chances are, you already had one in mind before you visited our site.
Step 2: Find the expert that best matches your question. You can browse for an expert by category or do a keyword search.
Step 3: Click the link to visit the expert’s Web site. Most of the experts have excellent Web sites with a wealth of information in their area of expertise. Many have even posted answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) so you can get instant information. So, take a few moments to peruse the site before submitting a question.
Step 4: If you don’t find the answer on the site, submit your question to the expert. Some experts have a special form on their site for this purpose; some simply post their e-mail address. Always be sure to follow proper etiquette.
Step 5: Have fun learning the answers to your questions! If you like the experience, tell a friend or colleague and bookmark the site for later reference!
One True Media:
One True Media helps you turn your photos and video into awesome slideshows and video montages for free. Embed your slideshow or video with the code it produces.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Day 4- TCEA Convention
Grazing for Digital Natives:
Voice Thread:
This wiki has several good videos that explain what a voice thread is and how students can use this in the classroom to improve learning through student interaction. There are also step by step tutorial videos as well.
This service allows you to upload and embed PPT. Service has an embed code function, this code can be pasted into a wiki, or a placemark in Google Earth.
Day 3- TCEA Convention
My third day of the convention started out with a hour and a half hands on wiki session. I created my own pbwiki page where I plan to post information for my training sessions. It's all so fun, but overwhelming at this point~ You want to go home and get started on so many projects... but there are so many!!
Session 1: Wiki Wisdom: Advanced Wiki Workshop:
This session was presented by David Byrum, a professor at Texas State University.
They set up this entire session on a pbwiki to demonstrate how to create and use one. It is a great training site for anyone to use that I would recommend. It has links for instructions on how to set up your wiki and embed almost any type of object you want. The instructor says he prefers pb wikis over others because it has a 2.0 gig memory storage.
He uses this wiki to teach his Educational Technology coarses. He told me he created this under the Creative Commons license and anyone can go in and complete the assignments to learn how to use the applications listed at no cost.
Introduction to Educational Technology: The New Tools of Digital Learning- Instruction Modules
-Project Based Learning
-Introduction to Web 2.0
-Social Bookmarking, Blogs and Wikis
-Copyright and Creative Commons
-Podcasting and RSS
-Photo Sharing and Digital Storytelling
A class that uses the modules and you can see the student pages
To see examples of Educational Wikis
Good examples of classroom wikis
They introduced Sail on- Acryonmn stand for: Subject Area Interactive Lessons Online.
It lists all the TEKS- with interactive online activities that match each TEK. You can send in suggestions for websites to add or join this project.
Technology Set up:
1 Campus Technology Integration Specialist per campus (Masters Degree Required in IT)Classrooms have 1 teacher and 5 student computers
Use NComputing system to run the 5 student computers per classrooms and labs
History of Staff DevelopmentBaby steps - how does this work?
Intel - carrot dangling (look into Intel); 40 hour class; now 32 hours
Integration - its not AR and PPT
Web 2.0 - wiki what?
21st Century Skills
2 Full Staff Development Days - 1 elementary and 1 high school
Mini TCEA Conference trainings and vendors
Delivery RoutesAfter School
Conference Period
Campus Training
Session 1: Wiki Wisdom: Advanced Wiki Workshop:
This session was presented by David Byrum, a professor at Texas State University.
They set up this entire session on a pbwiki to demonstrate how to create and use one. It is a great training site for anyone to use that I would recommend. It has links for instructions on how to set up your wiki and embed almost any type of object you want. The instructor says he prefers pb wikis over others because it has a 2.0 gig memory storage.
He uses this wiki to teach his Educational Technology coarses. He told me he created this under the Creative Commons license and anyone can go in and complete the assignments to learn how to use the applications listed at no cost.
Introduction to Educational Technology: The New Tools of Digital Learning- Instruction Modules
-Project Based Learning
-Introduction to Web 2.0
-Social Bookmarking, Blogs and Wikis
-Copyright and Creative Commons
-Podcasting and RSS
-Photo Sharing and Digital Storytelling
A class that uses the modules and you can see the student pages
To see examples of Educational Wikis
Good examples of classroom wikis
- I sat next to a 9th grade English teacher who came to the conference from her small school district to go back and present information to her superintendent. Here is her class wiki that she said she only started using 3 weeks ago. She said that it's so easy for her and her students to use. She posts assignments here and the students can discuss and post their assignments as well.
They introduced Sail on- Acryonmn stand for: Subject Area Interactive Lessons Online.
It lists all the TEKS- with interactive online activities that match each TEK. You can send in suggestions for websites to add or join this project.
Technology Set up:
1 Campus Technology Integration Specialist per campus (Masters Degree Required in IT)Classrooms have 1 teacher and 5 student computers
Use NComputing system to run the 5 student computers per classrooms and labs
History of Staff DevelopmentBaby steps - how does this work?
Intel - carrot dangling (look into Intel); 40 hour class; now 32 hours
Integration - its not AR and PPT
Web 2.0 - wiki what?
21st Century Skills
2 Full Staff Development Days - 1 elementary and 1 high school
Mini TCEA Conference trainings and vendors
Delivery RoutesAfter School
Conference Period
Campus Training
Monday, February 13, 2012
Day 2- TCEA Convention
Session 1: What's New in Web 2.0?
There were two presenters here. One spoke on Web 2.o in general and the other talked about Google docs. They literally went from one tool to another, giving you just a taste of each. You can go to their blog for a list of all these tools.
Web 2.0 Tools are listed under the following categories:
-Student/Organization Tools, Filesharing/Collaboration , Mind-mapping , Bookmarks, Videoconferencing , Video , Images , Office Apps , Website Creation/Wikis , RSS , Blogs & Website Tools
-Dwight’s Google Apps Link- Free Google Resource formatted in a table.
You can also access this by going to At the top click on the More button and scroll down and select Even More...
My favorite one here is the Google Reader. You can subscribe to RSS feeds and see their updates right from your webpage. I searched for Google earth and found a lot of good blogs that I now subscribe to that have all the latest news on Google Earth. My next mission is creating time to read all the updates posted to these sites I have subscribed to.
Note: Make sure not to load too many gadgets on your igoogle page or it boots up really slow... I had this set as my home page and had to change it because it loaded so slow until I removed some of the neat gadgets I put on there when I setting up my page. More is not better!
Here is another link to a presentation with information about Free Stuff on the web.
Watch the video "Why Google Apps for Education?"
Session 2: Teaming up on TEKS- Library & Technoloy together
Pamela Crofoot- Irving ISD
In this session, both the librarian and the technolgy facilitator of John R. Good Elementary explained how they collaborate to create research assignments for students. Note- the facilitator is on the campus full time.
The librarian gathers research materials for the students to use in the library. Then works with the facilitator to find appropriate web resources.
They set this up as 3 workstations:
- Online Computer research
- Book research with librarian
- Reading with the teacher.
Note: They said the teacher helps with this process, but is not a major planner with them.
Some of the units they showed us were a unit on the Earth and Moon, Famous Texans, The Water Cycle and Animal Research.
- The main interest here is that the librarian and the facilitator are working together to come up with project resources. They admitted that they do have to "work" to work together with such different perspectives. You can visit this presentation online as soon as TCEA has them posted. I will post in the shared folder as well.
Session 3: Developing Teacher Cadres
Technology Leadership Cadre (TLC)Instructor runs the Parkland Learning Community:
Training url
Technology Leadership Cadre Home Page for instructor
-Lists Mission Statement and Expectations
Pupose: Build the capacity and support technology integration at the campus level.
1 teacher leader per grade level, principal, Instructional Technologist, librarian & adminstratorAdminstrator is the most important factor- buy in and support.
Better to have the teachers from each grade level have different strengths (one is really good in math, science...) Also Have a few who are good at technology applications or tools.
Membership term 1-2 years:
Train the trainer module. The cadre member would do the training and the facilitator is just there for support. Connection to all the other teachers (they are the bridge) they know subject content.
Cadre also tries out new software or ideas and gives feedback to the facilitator. Facilitator doesn't train on new software or introduce anything before presenting to the cadre.
They created a Long Term Technology Plan- working- living document. Their Example:
They started by brainstorm all the things they were ALREADY doing.
Teacher Toolkit url
Technology Resources
Session 4: Distance Learning Using Small Group Field Trips
Students visited a local college and took pictures and video clips and created their own movie of their learning experience.
Students could create a video from a field trip, or create their own movie over classroom content without ever leaving the school.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Day 1- TCEA Convention
I am in Austin Texas this week at the TCEA 2012 technology conference . I am attending many wonderful sessions with many integration ideas.
The first day I attended break out sessions from the Technology Applications Network.
The Technology Application Teacher Network is a collaborative project between the twenty Texas Education Service Centers and the Texas Education Agency and is designed to provide Texas teachers with resources to implement the Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills in the K-12 classroom.
This web site contains resources to teach the six dedicated High School Technology Applications Courses (Digital Graphics/ Animation, Desktop Publishing, Web Mastering, Multimedia, Video Technology and Computer Science). It also contains resources to integrate the K-8 Technology Applications Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills into the content area classroom.
Note: You will need to registered with the Technology Applications Teacher Network to become a member to have access to all information.
Click on the link below to access the Technology Applications Teacher Network
At the end of the sessions, they gave us a CD with all the presenters and their handouts. I copied this CD on the shared drive.
Session 1: "Blogging in the Primary" by Kerrie Gustin in Magnolia ISD
Their school district has a uniform blog system which is an extension of the classroom. They post projects for the students complete and she also sets up research modules for the students with live links in the blog. The students visit these sites (such as the San Diego Zoo) and post their responses to questions provided by the teachers. The students also read and respond to peer comments- they have "web pen names" instead of real identies. They also used Skype to do videoconferencing. The students even made a movie about the water cycle and posted it on their blog for others to view and comment. It's like sharing what is going on in the classroom with the outside world. She says students are motivated and inspired to share their comments.
Session 2: "A Decade in Space" by Terri Henry
This session was presented by a middle school teacher where each group of students researched a different decade of science exploration. They each created a timeline of events and then used PhotoStory 3 to create a movie of their decade. Then the teacher used Movie Maker to put all the student projects into one video. This lesson could be adapted to research any subject or topic in elementary school. I was very excited about displaying research as a video instead of the traditional dreaded "research paper." The kids were much more engaged in their learning.
1. The instructor set up a "pathfinder" or webpage with all the links the students will need for the research. This could be set up on a teacher's webpage, blog or powerpoint slide.
2. The students took notes about important events in their assigned decade.
3. Students saved pictures from the NASA website into their student folders.
4. Students then opened Photo Story 3 and imported all their pictures.
5. They used the text box to type all the notes they took for each picture event.
6. They recorded the text using a microphone for each picture. This guarantees that the slide will not advance until the text is read aloud.
I posted all of her documents on the shared drive. Look under Core 6-8 History and Henry.
Session 3: "Using Google Earth to Teach Math" by LeaAnn turner-Temple ISD
TEKS can be met with real data as students travel across the U.S.A.
Students will use Google Maps to explore Math and problem solving with real data. They will learn concepts ranging from addition and subtraction, comparing numbers, finding averages, creating charts, tables, and graphs, elapsed time, and more. The use of Google Maps to teach math allows studentownership in decision making and problem solving as they explore the U.S. through Math.
- The example she gave was using Google Maps to calculate Elapsed Time.
- Students find directions, mileage, and estimated times between two cities.
- They document the starting time and ending time in an Excel spread sheet.
- Then they calculate the Elapsed time between the trip.
- Students use the information from Google Maps to create tables, charts, and graphs
1. If you stop to the bathroom every 200 miles, how many times will you have to stop?
2. Find the gas mileage for a Prius vs a Chevy Trailblazer, how much gas will you use?
3. Which one is the longest trip?What is the difference between the longest and shortest trip?
4. Estimate the trips to the nearest hundred or thousands?If you drive 6 hours per day, how many days will it take you to get there?
Instructor set up this wiki with a few project ideas that you can use as a resource add to. She has an excel template here.
To view lesson plan, go to the shared drive and open Grades 3-5 and L. Turner. I will add this to the wiki above as soon as she gives me rights up load documents. It is also posted on The Technology Application Teacher Network.
Awesome Lesson on Google Earth and Google Maps on Habitats.
Session 4: "Digital Storytelling" by Kelly Manzano
Teach students how to create digital storytelling videos and Photo Story 3. Students record and publish concepts learing in any content area.
The wiki includes her powerpoint presenation and links.
Each student creates their own file in Pixie 2 and exports as a Jpeg to a common folder on the student drive. The teacher uses Photo Story 3 to bring in all the pictures. The kids can narrarate their picture in Photo Story. Note: you can also use Pixie 2 (share to make the video)
In Pixie 2 there is no transition so the slides don't move around. Students narrate their pixie 2 work then save it as a Pixie 2 file and the teacher opens all the files at one time and creates the video by click on Share>Presentation.
Project Example:
The Very Hungry Turkey
Click on "Click here to see The Very Hungry Turkey." link at the bottom.
Here is another good wiki: Digital Storytelling in the 21st Century Classroom
It includes links to tools that you can use to create your digital stories.
Note: I did a project last year with 5th graders where they created a habitat commerical. The kids were excited about doing the research so they could create their video. They downloaded pictures of their habitat and animals in that habitat and brought directly into Photo Story 3. When you are saving pictures to download, make sure the resolution is greater than 600 x 600 or the picture will look blurry..
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
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